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See also DEPS Press Releases.

Laser Weapons Are Future for Missile Defense, Space, Expert Says
(posted: 19 December 2018)

If the Pentagon intends to be laser-focused in its goal to improve directed-energy weapons, it has just a few years to decide whether it wants to invest heavily in the new technology, according to the former director of the Missile Defense Agency.

"There are some things that kinetic weapons will not be able to do" now or in the future, said Henry "Trey" Obering, an executive vice president at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton who leads the company's directed energy innovation team. More information.

Why DARPA Thinks Air Assets Will Be the Last to Get Laser Weapons
(posted: 19 December 2018)

It's been a running joke inside the defense technology community for years: lasers are the weapons of the future... and always will be.

But while experts have long predicted laser systems, also known as directed energy weapons, are juuuust over the horizon, more and more technology experts have said they believe lasers are truly in the realm of the possible in the near-term for the Pentagon. Which raises the question: who gets them first? More information.

Israelis Seek Lasers Vs. Hamas, Hezbollah Rocket Barrages
(posted: 11 December 2018)

After Hamas fired 460 rockets in a single day last month, Israel may reinforce its vaunted Iron Dome defense with laser weapons that offer quicker reaction times, unlimited ammunition, and lower cost per shot. That's a striking reversal 12 years after Israel largely abandoned lasers in favor of interceptor missiles like Iron Dome.

"There is a growing number of experts that understand the mistake that was made," a senior Israeli source told Breaking Defense. "(We're) ready to restart development with the more advanced building blocks available today." More information.

USAF Says Insurgent Drones Are Watching One Of Its Bases In Afghanistan '24/7'
(posted: 10 December 2018)

Insurgents are using small unmanned aircraft to regularly monitor activity at a major American base in Afghanistan. This is yet another example of how the Taliban and other militant groups in the country are expanding their capabilities and further highlights the increasingly common threat of readily available commercial drones to nation-state security forces both on and off the battlefield. More information.

NRL Demonstrates New Non-Mechanical Laser Steering Technology
(posted: 26 November 2018)

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory have recently demonstrated a new nonmechanical chip-based beam steering technology that offers an alternative to costly, cumbersome and often unreliable and inefficient mechanical gimbal-style laser scanners. More information.

2018 Directed Energy Summit: Summary Report
(posted: 26 October 2018)

A sense of urgency infused the 2018 Directed Energy Summit. Policymakers, such as Senator Martin Heinrich, strategists, operators, and warfighters came together in Washington, DC, to envision the future of directed energy weapons.

Directed energy systems are not "one size fits all" which leaves room for innovation. Policy, leadership, and the threat environment are now driving widespread support for the first time. More information.

The Army Wants to Direct Energy and Information in More Powerful Ways
(posted: 10 October 2018)

The director of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Technical Center outlined the organization's broad technological priorities during an Oct. 10 appearance at the 2018 Association of the U.S. Army Conference in Washington, D.C.

Thomas Webber listed three high-priority areas where the Technical Center is currently focusing its efforts: high-energy lasers, small satellites and advanced hypersonic weapons. More information.

Beam On: A Wide Range of Counter-Drone Technologies Comes of Age
(posted: 4 September 2018)

The drones are here to stay. Drones aid search-and-rescue efforts and capture that perfect aerial view of your beach vacation. They are simple to make, cheap to buy and available to almost anyone in the world. But drones can also present a serious risk to military forces. More information.

First Demonstration of 'Random, Transistor' Laser which can be Manipulated at Nanoscale
(posted: 23 October 2018)

In the last half-century, laser technology has grown into a multi-billion-dollar global industry and has been used in everything from optical-disk drives and barcode scanners to surgical and welding equipment.

Now, lasers are poised to take another step forward: Researchers at Case Western Reserve University, in collaboration with partners around the world, have been able to control the direction of a laser's output beam by applying external voltage. More information.

Press Release- DEPS Establishes the Dr. Samuel Blankenship Directed Energy Scholar Award
(posted: 3 October 2018)

The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) is pleased to announce the establishment of a new scholarship in honor of its’ previous Executive Director, DEPS Fellow and esteemed leader, Dr. Samuel Blankenship.

The Dr. Samuel Blankenship Directed Energy Scholar Award will be granted annually to the individual with the most outstanding scholarship application that not only demonstrates the highest degree of technical acumen, but also shows the greatest promise of significant contributions to the Directed Energy Technical Community. More information.

Dragonfire Laser Could Inform Next British Fighter Weapon
(posted: 1 October 2018)

During 2019, British industry will demonstrate a directed-energy laser weapon for potential use on land and sea. But the team behind the UK’s Dragonfire industry consortium developing the weapon is also beginning to consider how such a weapon could be mounted onto a future combat aircraft.

Dragonfire will demonstrate a fiber laser with a 50 kW output in 2019 tests. Laser will put a focused beam the size of an English penny 5 km away. More information.

US Government may Gain New Power to Track Drones and Shoot Them Down
(posted: 30 September 2018)

An aviation bill Congress is rushing to approve contains a little-noticed section that would give authorities the power to track, intercept and destroy drones they consider a security threat, without needing a judge’s approval. Supporters say law enforcement needs this power to protect Americans from terrorists who are learning how to use drones as deadly weapons. More information.

This Laser Could Help Marines Knock Down Drones on the FOB or on the Move
(posted: 30 September 2018)

A counter-drone laser in use by the Army was on display here this week, giving Marines a glimpse at how they might melt drones soon. The Compact Laser Weapon System, or CLWS, is already part of the Army’s Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser program. It’s deployed on Stryker vehicle in Europe and has been used in field experiments. More information.

Press Release- DEPS Grants $140,000 in Directed Energy Focused Graduate Scholarships
(posted: 17 August 2018)

Last week, the Directed Energy Professional Society's (DEPS) Board of Scientific & Engineering Advisors (BSEA) as well as its Executive Director, Mark Neice, proudly announced the DEPS graduate scholarship awardees for the 2018-2019 academic year. More information.

Laser Beam Attacks Bedevil U.S. Military Pilots in Mideast
(posted: 17 August 2018)

Hostile forces in the Middle East are targeting American pilots with laser pointers at a growing rate, imperiling aircrews and reflecting a problem more widespread and longstanding than the Pentagon has previously acknowledged. More information.

Space-based Laser Weapons Could Ultimately Take Out Missile Threats in Boost Phase
(posted: 14 August 2018)

The Pentagon is eyeing space-based laser weapons technology as the ultimate solution to defeat a missile threat in its boost phase of flight, but the Defense Department is not yet at a point where it has determined the best possible solution. More information.

It's Raytheon Vs. Dynetics/Lockheed For Army's 100 kW Laser
(posted: 10 August 2018)

The US Army has narrowed down to two teams — with very different approaches — who will build a 100 kilowatt laser to shoot down drones, rockets, artillery shells, and mortar rounds. Lockheed is as close to an incumbent as you can get in the rapidly evolving world of high-energy fiber lasers. More information.

US Army Eyes Microwave Cannon to Take Out Drones
(posted: 10 August 2018)

The U.S. Army wants an airborne microwave cannon that can take down drones. The Army is planning to purchase a Counter Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) from Lockheed Martin with the goal to "field UASs with payloads capable of negating adversary UAS," the Army said in its solicitation notice.
In other words, the Army wants to disable or destroy a drone with an airborne microwave beam. More information.

Pawlikowski tenure marked by effectiveness, Air Force readiness
(posted: 8 August 2018)

The little things that Air Force Materiel Command does every day enable the Air Force to be effective, and it's so important that Airmen fully appreciate their impact, said Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski, reflecting on her three years at the helm of AFMC as she readies to retire this September after 40 years of Air Force service. More information.

3 Reasons Why the Time is Now for Directed Energy
(posted: 3 August 2018)

Imagine a menacing swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles surveilling and threatening U.S. soldiers on the battlefield. The commander on the ground wonders: "Do I expend limited — and expensive — rounds from high-end air defense systems to engage the UAVs? What if they're a decoy for a more serious threat? And what if the enemy has more of these inexpensive UAVs in reserve?"

We now have the capability to counter this threat with high-energy laser and high-power microwave systems known as directed-energy weapons. More information.

DARPA Selects Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to be Powered by a Laser 10km Away
(posted: 2 August 2018)

DARPA's Stand-off Ubiquitous Power/Energy Replenishment - Power Beaming Demo (SUPER PBD) is scheduled to begin testing in January 2019 with the aim of charging the UAV via a laser at a distance of 10km, said Silent Falcon's Chairman John Brown on 2 August. More information.

Boeing Delivers Multiple Laser Weapon Systems To Warfighters
(posted: 19 July 2018)

Laser weapons are moving from development and testing to production and deployment, with the need to counter the growing threat from small unmanned aircraft leading the way. Boeing has delivered multiple Compact Laser Weapon Systems (CLWS) to the U.S. Marine Corps for testing by an operational unit. More information.

Materials Processing Tricks Enable Engineers To Create New Laser Material
(posted: 19 July 2018)

By doping alumina crystals with neodymium ions, engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new laser material that is capable of emitting ultra-short, high-power pulses—a combination that could potentially yield smaller, more powerful lasers with superior thermal shock resistance, broad tunability and high-duty cycles. More information.

Press Release- ATHELA Contract Award for AEgis Technologies
(posted: 30 July 2018)

The AEgis Technologies Group Inc. (AEgis) is proud to announce the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC)/Army Forces Strategic Command (USARSTRAT) has awarded a $29M Advanced Technologies for High Energy Laser Applications (ATHELA) contract to AEgis. More information.

AFSOC General Calls for More Emphasis on Directed-Energy Weapons
(posted: 27 June 2018)

Speaking Tuesday at the Third Directed Energy Summit, Brig. Gen. William Whittenberger, Assistant to the Director of Strategic Plans at Air Force Special Operations on Command, said the US should put more emphasis on directed-energy weapons, including concentrating on developing a doctrine for their use. More information.

FY2019 Defense Appropriations Bill Approved by Subcommittee
(posted: 26 June 2018)

Progress for the DE Community as $317 million in additional funding has been allocated to both further develop DE technologies as well as better transition these activities to both offensive and defensive capabilities. More information.

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich Highlights FY19 National Defense Authorization Act
(posted: 26 June 2018)

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich discusses the elements in the FY19 NDAA that will affect Directed Energy transition. More information.

Future US Navy Weapons Will Need Lots of Power. That’s a Huge Engineering Challenge.
(posted: 23 June 2018)

The U.S. Navy is convinced that the next generation of ships will need to integrate lasers, electromagnetic rail guns and other power-hungry weapons and sensors to take on peer competitors in the coming decades. More information.

DE-JTO FY19 Broad Area Announcement Call
(posted: 21 June 2018)

The new DE-JTO Broad Area Announcement (BAA) Call has been released and can now be easily accessed via the FEDBIZZOPPS website. The focus of the new topics this year are in the Beam Control area, which include Automatic Target Acquisition in Heavy Clutter, Alignment and LOS stabilization in challenging base disturbance environments, High Energy Beam Profiling at the telescope aperture, Phased Arrays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) for targeting, aim point selection and tracking, and adjustments for atmospheric conditions. More.

Defense One Tech Summit
(posted: 20 June 2018)

As technological advancements across the world rise at an unprecedented pace, the U.S. military is searching for tools and tricks to provide a tactical advantage against adversaries. This year, the Pentagon is taking leaps forward by bringing these technologies to the battlefield. Don't miss your chance to attend the livestream of the Defense One Tech Summit for free. Register today for this June 26 event. More information.

Laser Attacks Against U.S. Forces Spread to the Pacific
(posted: 19 June 2018)

Laser attacks against U.S. forces have spread out of Africa into the Pacific. U.S. personnel operating in the East China Sea area have been the victim of blinding laser attacks similar to those that took place earlier this year in Djibouti. The attacks, conducted with nonlethal lasers were reportedly carried out by Chinese nationals. More.

Booz Allen Hamilton Seeking an HEL/DE Consultant in Arlington, VA
(posted: 25 May 2018)

Booz Allen Hamilton is looking for someone to serve as a technical consultant for high-risk government research and development programs regarding high energy laser (HEL) technologies and systems. For more information regarding this position, click here.

Forty-Five Down
(posted: 24 May 2018)

Forty-five unmanned aerial vehicles and drones fell out of the sky, downed by Raytheon's advanced high-power microwave and laser dune buggy in a U.S. Army exercise. The exercise was known as Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment, or MFIX, and was held at the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence in Fort Sill, OK. More.

US Navy Ships Will Get Powerful Lasers to Zap Incoming Missiles
(posted: 2 May 2018)

Lockheed Martin is developing a HELIOS laser to mount on naval ships for blasting incoming missiles. The weapon system will either help or replace current Rolling Airframe Missile and Phalanx defense systems on ships. More.

Navy Eyes 'Hard-Kill' Defenses For Transport, Tanker, and Possibly Unmanned Escort Planes
(posted: 9 May 2018)

The U.S. Navy is looking into whether it might be feasible to install a so-called “hard-kill” self-defense system to physically shoot down incoming missiles that could go onto various transport, tanker, and other combat support aircraft, or equip an entirely new unmanned escort platform. More.

Support Growing for Directed Energy Weapons
(posted: 4 May 2018)

Lawmakers and Defense Department leaders are showing increased interest in directed energy technology as the U.S. military gears up for great power competition with China and Russia. More.

Chinese Military Lasers Injure U.S. Military Pilots in Africa
(posted: 3 May 2018)

Chinese personnel at the country's first overseas military base in Djibouti have been using lasers to interfere with U.S. military aircraft at a nearby American base. More.

New Pentagon Research Chief is Working on Lasers and More
(posted: 26 April 2018)

The new chief for research in the Pentagon is building an artificial intelligence center, pushing for self-driving vehicles in combat zones and more powerful lasers, and says solving the hypersonic gap means updating testing facilities. More.

Lasers Adapt to Changing Threat Landscape
(posted: 26 April 2018)

The danger facing today’s global defense force is shifting. With the rise in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and enemies gaining greater ballistic missile expertise, ultraprecise and quick-response laser systems are attracting more interest than ever before. More.

DoD’s Griffin Eyes Using DE For Space-Based Missile Defense
(posted: 18 April 2018)

Pentagon technology chief Michael Griffin said April 17 that he wants to field a megawatt-class, DE device in space by the late 2020s to protect the United States against hostile long-range missiles. More.

U. S. Air Force Invites Companies to DE Weapons for Base Defense
(posted: 18 April 2018)

Up to four companies could prove their DE weapons can protect military bases against small unmanned aerial vehicles in an experiment this fall that will help shape a potential acquisition program, the Air Force said. More.

Heinrich Sees Accomplishment, Remaining Work in DE
(posted: 3 April 2018)

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) emphasized the momentum built in directed energy and the work that remains to be done in his remarks to the 2018 Directed Energy Summit. More.

DE Engineer/Scientist Sought at Booz Allen Hamilton
(posted: 29 March 2018)

Booz Allen Hamilton is seeking Directed Energy Engineer/Scientist with five or more years of experience with science, technology, research, or development for directed energy systems in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Basic requirements include secret clearance and BA or BS degree. More.

Navy Directed Energy Maturing to Address Evolving Threats
(posted: 29 March 2018)

The technology of directed-energy weapons such as lasers is advancing such that it shows increasing promise of countering future threats, an industry expert said. More.

ARA Develops Silent Sabre Directed Energy Weapon
(posted: 29 March 2018)

Applied Research Associates Inc has developed a 1.5 kw directed energy weapon called Silent Sabre that attaches to a rifle and performs similar to an acetylene torch at a range of 183-274 meters. More.

Russian Troops in Donbas Reportedly Use Blinding Laser Weapons
(posted: 29 March 2018)

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has once again recorded instances of the use of proscribed special-purpose laser weapons by Russian troops in occupied Donbas, eastern Ukraine. More.

Marines Developing JLTV Air-Defense System Armed with Laser Weapon
(posted: 26 March 2018)

The Marine Corps is putting together a new, mobile air-defense weapon system that is mounted on a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle and could be armed with lasers to bring down enemy threats from above. More.

The Future of Nonlethal Laser Weapons
(posted: 26 March 2018)

David Law and his fellow scientists at the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program have a mission - giving tools that help fill the gap between shouting and shooting and the technology has come a long way from flashlights flickering at a nighttime checkpoint. More.

U.S. Army Demos Laser on Stryker in Europe
(posted: 26 March 2018)

Col. Dennis Wille, the Army G-3 strategic program chief for U.S. Army Europe, told the Directed Energy Summit audience that a live-fire engagement of the 5-kilowatt Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser demonstrator was recently conducted at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Germany. More.

Senator Heinrich Headlines Directed Energy Summit
(posted: 26 March 2018)

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and founder of the first ever Congressional Directed Energy Caucus, delivered a keynote address at the 2018 Directed Energy Summit in Washington, D.C. More.

Griffin Discusses Future of Directed Energy Weapons
(posted: 22 March 2018)

Michael D. Griffin, the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, spoke this week to more than 500 senior leaders from the U.S. government and defense industry to explore the impact of integrating directed energy capabilities into the national security enterprise at the 2018 Directed Energy Summit in D.C. More.

HPM and HEL Defeat Multiple Drones during U.S. Army Exercise
(posted: 22 March 2018)

Forty-five unmanned aerial vehicles and drones fell out of the sky during a U.S. Army exercise after Raytheon's advanced high-power microwave and laser dune buggy engaged and destroyed them. These common threats were knocked down during a Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment at the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence. More.

Laser Weapons May Be Added to KC-135 Stratotankers
(posted: 18 March 2018)

One day, all the KC-135 Stratotankers, like the 19 now based at MacDill Air Force Base, may be equipped with laser weapons to ward off attackers. That’s the vision of Air Force Gen. Carlton Everhart, head of Air Mobility Command, which oversees flying branch operations at MacDill. More.

Russia Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second
(posted: 14 March 2018)

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov has confirmed that laser weapons previously alluded to by President Vladimir Putin are in service and capable of disarming targets with rapid precision. More.

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Tours NSWC Dahlgren
(posted: 14 March 2018)

Japanese Vice Adm. Hideki Yuasa, Capt. Takuro Koroki, and their delegation were bruefed on new and emerging technologies developed at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, including directed energy weapons. More.

Hartke, Ross, Stoudt Elected to DEPS Board
(posted: 11 March 2018)

The Directed Energy Professional Society has introduced two new additions to their Board of Directors, Col. John Hartke and Dr. David Stoudt, as well as announced the reelection of Dr. Sean Ross. More.

Laser Experts Needed at Raytheon
(posted: 6 March 2018)

Raytheon is advertising positions for laser architects, systems engineers, designers and integrators for ground-based and airborne laser systems. The positions generally require U.S. citizenship and the ability to obtain a security clearance. More, More, and More.

NSWCDD is Looking to Hire within the Directed Energy and Pulsed Power Division
(posted: 3 March 2018)

The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division is currently hiring scientists and engineers in its Laser Technology and Analysis Branch and the High Energy Laser Controls & Integration Branch within the Directed Energy and Pulsed Power Division. The position announcement will close on 16 March 2018. More.

Russia’s New Laser Can Reportedly Shoot Down Satellites
(posted: 2 March 2018)

Plane-mounted lasers capable of hitting satellites are said to be approaching reality. Russia’s military has reportedly moved a step closer with the country’s engineers creating such a laser. More.

The U.S. Navy Is Funding Lasers and NOT Killing the Railgun (A Correction)
(posted: 2 March 2018)

This story originally stated that the Navy budget killed funding for its railgun project. This was in error—actually, the railgun was moved to a different part of the budget. The full correction follows at the end of the original article. More.

SHiELD – U.S. Air Force’s Aircraft-mounted Laser Weapon
(posted: 2 March 2018)

The US Air Force Research Laboratory recently awarded Lockheed Martin a $26.3m contract to design, develop and produce an aircraft-mounted high-power fibre laser. It forms one part of the Self-protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD) programme, which aims to demonstrate the ability of an airborne protective laser system by 2021. More.

Cloudy and a Chance of Rain Need Not Sideline High-Energy Lasers
(posted: 28 February 2018)

Are high-energy lasers (HELs) only “fair-weather” weapons? What specific weather and atmospheric phenomena impact irradiance and how is technology being used to compensate for those effects and maintain HEL effectiveness? More.

Report to Congress on U.S. Army Directed Energy Weapons
(posted: 28 February 2018)

With a number of U.S. Army weapons-related Directed Energy programs showing promise during concept demonstrations and their potential relevance in addressing a number of current and emerging threats to U.S. ground forces, some believe the Army is making progress to field viable DE weapon systems designed to counter rockets, artillery, and mortars and address certain types of short-range air defense threats. More.

Dr. Ryan McBride Receives 2018 ONR Young Investigator Program Award
(posted: 28 February 2018)

Dr. Ryan McBride, University of Michigan, received an award under the 2018 Young Investigator Program for his proposed effort "High-Power Microwave Generation by Compact Linear Transformer Driver Technology." Dr. Ryan Hoffman serves as the program officer for the effort. More.

U.S. Navy Funding Lasers, Killing Railgun
(posted: 14 February 2018)

The U.S. Navy is seeking nearly $300 million in research for a family of laser weapons for the fleet. The 2019 budget provides zero funding for the railgun. More.

U.S. Army Could get Laser for SHORAD in Under 5 Years
(posted: 14 February 2018)

The U.S. Army is going to assess the possibility of putting a 50-kilowatt laser onto its short-range air defense, or SHORAD, objective solution in less than five years, according to the service’s fiscal 2019 budget justification documents released 12 February. More.

Mansell, Merritt, Shattuck New DEPS Fellows
(posted: 13 February 2018)

Dr. Justin Mansell, Dr. Paul Merritt, and Mr. Paul Shattuck are the newest candidates to be invested as Fellows of the Directed Energy Professional Society for their extensive contributions and distinguished service to the DE community. More.

Army to Optimize HEL Lethality
(posted: 13 February 2018)

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command is developing the 100-kW High Energy Laser Tactical Vehicle Demonstrator (HEL TVD) to address counter-RAM requirements. In FY22, the HEL TVD will demonstrate target acquisition, tracking, aimpoint selection and maintenance, to defeat selected rocket, artillery and mortar threats. More.

Manke Receives Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
(posted: 8 February 2018)

Dr. Gerald Manke II, a Senior Program Scientist at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, received a Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award at the Pentagon for his nationally-recognized leadership in lasers. More.

General Atomics Awarded Navy Contract for High Energy Density Capacitors
(posted: 2 February 2018)

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) has been awarded a contract from the U.S. Navy through the Defense Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC) to develop advanced, high energy density capacitors for use in High Power Microwave (HPM) systems. More.

Navy Orders Laser Weapon Systems from Lockheed Martin
(posted: 30 January 2018)

Naval Sea Systems Command has awarded Lockheed Martin a contract for the Surface Navy Laser Weapon System. Two systems were ordered, one to be installed for testing on the USS Arleigh Burke, and the other to be used for land-based testing. More.

Microwave on Deck Could Down Drones
(posted: 29 January 2018)

Defense contractor BAE Systems is developing a High Powered Microwave deck-mounted array, designed to target incoming air or surface targets with microwave radiation, disrupting their electronics and rendering them useless. More.

Scientists Achieve High Power with New Smaller Laser
(posted: 29 January 2018)

An international team of scientists has produced the first high-powered, randomly polarised laser beam with a "Q switch" laser, which typically emits pulses of light so brief that they're measured in nanoseconds. More.

DOD Research and Engineering Nominee Pledges to Advance DE
(posted: 23 January 2018)

Michael Griffin, nominated for Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, made a pledge to advance DE Weapons programs during a Senate Armed Services Committee meeting this week. More.

Craig Robin Interviewed on DE and C4ISR
(posted: 23 January 2018)

C4ISRNET talked through some implications of directed energy with Dr. Craig A. Robin, the new senior research scientist for directed energy applications at Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command. More.

Peterkin Joins General Atomics as Director of Albuquerque Operations
(posted: 15 January 2018)

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems has announced that Dr. Robert Peterkin joined the organization as director of Operations for the organization’s new Albuquerque, New Mexico office. More.

LPD Portland Will Host ONR Laser Weapon Demonstrator
(posted: 11 January 2018)

Amphibious warship Portland (LPD-27) was tapped by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to host a laser weapon technology demonstration, a laser system that is considered a next-generation follow-on to the Laser Weapon System (LaWS). More.

Registration Opens for 2018 Directed Enegy Summit
(posted: 11 January 2018)

Registration has opened for the 2018 Directed Energy Summit, to be held in Washington, D.C. on 21-22 March. The schedule for the DEPS Directed Energy to D.C. Exhibition, also in D.C. during that week, is coordinated with the schedule of the Summit. More.

U.S. Navy Accelerating Laser Weapon System Deployment
(posted: 9 January 2018)

The U.S. Navy is accelerating efforts to place laser weapon systems on guided missile destroyers. More.

Marines Size Up Laser Weapons
(posted: 8 January 2018)

For the Marines to employ laser weapons, the technologies must be as efficient and as small as possible, says Jeff Tomczak, deputy director of the Science & Technology (S&T) Division at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. More.

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