DE Education Workshop
21-23 May 2024 Colorado Springs, CO

Annual DE S&T Symposium

Final Conference Agenda

Short Courses

Workshop Info

Location & Hotel

Local Weather


Roundtable Reception

Call for Papers

Workshop Contacts


Education is vital to the Directed Energy community. Fostering the professional growth of current workers in the field and increasing the number of young, new members in the community are important DEPS educational goals.

In support of those efforts, DEPS hosts an annual educational workshop co-located with our Annual DE S&T Symposium designed to allow students studying in the area of directed energy to present their work. The Workshop is intended to be a low-threat environment, offering the speaker an opportunity to gain technical presentation experience, and, of course, to present his/her interesting research. This 2024 Workshop is the twenty-third in a series of DE Education Workshops to advance these goals.

The Workshops also consider current and future Directed Energy education programs around the country. Support for the Workshop is provided by the Directed Energy Joint Transition Office and by DEPS.

The scope of the DE Education Workshop includes:

  • Graduate/post-graduate studies and technical vocational training
  • Oral presentations from all 2023-24 DE Graduate Scholars
  • Professional continuing education
  • Student motivators (scholarships, fellowships, recognitions)
  • Summer internship programs
  • Curriculum development
  • An exclusive Roundtable Reception for students and early career professionals (ECPs)

Additionally, the Workshop offers a sampling of the work currently being pursued by students, especially those supported by JTO and ONR internships or scholarships.

The Workshop will be held in parallel with sessions of the 2024 Annual Directed Energy Science and Technology Symposium.

Proceedings of the Workshop will be included in the unclassified Symposium proceedings. Proceedings from previous Workshops are available through the DEPS online store.

Call for Papers

The abstract deadline has passed.

If you were unable to submit your abstract in time or would like to still be considered for poster presentation, please contact Cristina Crowson directly at

After notification of acceptance, the abstract authors will submit presentations, optional papers and release forms using the same instructions and forms that are required of Symposium presenters. See Symposium submission instructions.

Roundtable Reception

Back by popular demand! DEPS will be hosting its special Roundtable Reception* on Monday, May 20 from 1730-1900 at the Symposium hotel.

This event is designed to give students and early career professionals (ECPs) the opportunity to network and connect with some of directed energy's esteemed leaders. Whether you are currently on the job hunt, seeking advice about professional growth, or simply hoping to learn about possible career paths, this event is an excellent opportunity to expand both the knowledge base and the network of contacts for our student attendees.

*Please note, this reception is limited to current students and early career professionals only. Appetizers and one drink ticket (must be 21 or older) will be provided to attendees.


Attendance at the DE Education Workshop is free of charge, but attendees are required to register using one of the options below.

  • Persons attending only the DE Education Workshop should use this form to register online.

  • Those planning to also attend the Annual DE S&T Symposium can select the DE Student Workshop as an option on their symposium registration.

Organizing Committee
  Education Workshop Chairs
  Mark Neice
  Kip Kendrick
  Education Director
  Cristina Crowson (505) 998-4910
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Last updated: 18 May 2024