DEPS Corporate Sponsors

DEPS is supported by its Sponsors, organizations that provide valuable institutional guidance and support. DEPS owes a great debt of gratitude to its Founding Sponsors as well as its current Sponsors.

Current DEPS

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Become a DEPS Sponsor Today

If your company is looking for a way to increase visibility, expand networking capabilities between industry and military leaders, and/or demonstrate the unique value you bring to the directed energy community, DEPS' sponsorship program can help you achieve your objectives.

DEPS sponsors receive an array of benefits, including:

  • Highlighted links to the sponsor's web site
  • Reduced price display space at DEPS events
  • Early exhibit registration opportunities for popular events such as the DE2DC and Annual DE S&T Symposium
  • Recruiting help, including sponsor only advertised links on the DE Employment Opportunities page as well as in the weekly newsletter, WaveFront

DEPS has an array of sponsorships, to best fit the needs of our corporate members.
  • Sponsor ($600): All above benefits, plus one (1) named individual DEPS membership (identified at the time of payment)

  • Bronze Sponsor ($1250): Sponsor benefits, plus one (1) additional named memberships (total of 2 memberships, identified at time of payment)

  • Silver Sponsorship ($3000): Bronze sponsor benefits, plus three (3) additional named memberships (total of 5 memberships, identified at time of payment)
  • Gold Sponsorship ($8000): Silver sponsorship benefits, plus display space at the DEPS Annual Symposium, and five (5) additional named memberships (total of 10 memberships, identified at time of payment)

  • Platinum Sponsorship ($12500): Gold sponsorship benefits, plus display space at an additional DEPS event of your choosing, and ten (10) additional named memberships (total of 20 memberships, identified at time of payment)

For your organization to become a sponsor, you may

  • Complete this on-line sponsorship application for immediate processing. Please note that our on-line sponsor option does not require on-line payment.

  • Some organizations have installed web filters that prevent on-line registration from inside their facilities. If this appears to be true for you, please try again off-site or use the option below.

  • Print this sponsorship application and follow the instructions provided.

  • Adobe's free Acrobat Reader is required to view and print our forms, which are in PDF format. If you do not already have this product, click here to download this free software.

  • Request an invoice from Dawn Gutierrez, the DEPS Accounting Manager.

    If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Last updated: 3 June 2024