The DE Newsletter        
   DE Community News

  • The coming of age of directed energy weapons and the Red Sea crisis.
  • US military shot down drones with lasers in Middle East: Report
  • British Army conducts trials of directed-energy weapon
  • Top of Marines' wish list: More capable drones, and ways to kill them
  • New way emerges to test, validate military grade lasers
READ MORE - Visit the DEPS Online Newsletter Archive

New STEM Initiative

Learn more about Naval Horizons

A Video Series & Essay Contest designed to introduce high school & college students to cutting-edge STEM topics that impact the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps


NDIA's Emerging Technologies Institute announces the release of their

2024 Directed Energy Sourcebook

Also see

Directed Energy Weapon Supply Chains: Securing the Path to the Future

Developed by the National Defense Industrial Association Emerging Technologies Institute

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UK/US Directed Energy Workshop

22-26 July 2024
Swindon, UK

Registration now open!

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Press Release

DEPS Welcomes Four New Fellows

Membership Elects Three Esteemed Leaders to the DEPS Board of Directors

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Informative Article

As published in AIP Physics Today

The New Laser Weapons

by Thomas Karr and James Trebes

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Last updated: 3 June 2024