UK/US Directed Energy Workshop
22-26 July 2024 Swindon, United Kingdom


Workshop Overview

Short Courses

Workshop Contacts

Attendee Info

Location & Hotel

Local Weather


Registration & Fees


Presenter Info

Call for Papers


Release Forms

Exhibitor Info


Event Hosting


Call for Papers

The Workshop Committee is soliciting contributions for the technical programs. Selection of contributions for the program will be based on the review of abstracts.

Abstracts are solicited in all areas of
RF DEW, with special consideration given to these topics:

  • Weapon Concepts and Military Utility
  • System Engineering and Integration
  • Components and Technologies
  • Electronics Effects - Data Capture, Analysis and Standardization
  • Performance Testing – Facilities, Instrumentation, Methodology and Safety
  • Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis
  • Protection Methods and Technologies

Abstracts are solicited in all areas of Laser DEW, with special consideration given to these topics:

  • High Energy Laser Technologies
  • Beam Control Technologies
  • Laser Weapon Concepts and Military Utility
  • HEL Systems Engineering and Integration
  • HEL Effects and Testing
  • Modeling and Simulation

Abstracts are also solicited for our Joint Sessions (RF and Laser), with special consideration given for these topics:

  • Overarching Issues and Lessons Learned for DLOD (e.g. Safety/Legal/Policy/Doctrine)
  • Operational Constraints, Interoperability, and Coexistence
  • DEW C2 Tracking, Targeting, and Sensors
  • Non-Lethal Weapons and Intermediate Force Capability
  • Counter UAS Demonstrations
All persons wishing to present at the US/UK DE Workshop will be required to submit an abstract for consideration.


The abstract submission period is closed. However, some technical sessions are willing to consider late abstract submissions in some areas. For more information, contact Cristina at as well as the appropriate Technical Chair.

Papers and Presentations

Authors are encouraged to submit papers as well as presentations. Papers accompanying presentations selected for the technical program will be published in the Workshop proceedings and should follow the DEPS Meeting Paper Format. Upon author approval, papers may be forwarded for consideration by editors of the Journal of Directed Energy, a peer-reviewed publication.

Note: It is the author's responsibility to obtain approval from their sponsoring agency for the release of their work to this international US/UK audience. This process, especially for classified content, can take significant time. Authors are encouraged to allow start early, and allow sufficient

Important Dates for Attendees

  30 April 2024
Abstracts due

  10 May 2024
US Authors notified of acceptance

  17 May 2024
US Request for International Visit (RFV) forms due

  12 June 2024
US Classified or CUI papers and presentations desiring FDO Approval facilitated by DEPS
*AFRL, DEJTO, Navy RF only; others encouraged to submit to their servicing FDO as early as possible.

  26 June 2024
All FDO-Approved presentations and papers due for US authors

  11 July 2024
US security clearances due

  12 July 2024
UK presentations and security clearances due

  22-26 July 2024
UK/US DE Workshop

time after creation of your presentation to complete these reviews before the DEPS due dates.

Release Forms for Papers and Presentations

All authors, from both the US and the UK, are required to complete the applicable Release Forms for each presentation or paper submitted. These release forms are due by 26 June 2024 and should be submitted according to the instructions on the form.

Presentation Release Form
Paper Release Form

Submitting Papers and Presentations

Electronic copies of papers and presentations should be sent as follows based on the author's citizenship.

It is the responsibility of the originator of a briefing/presentation to ensure the content is approved for release to foreign attendees by their servicing Foreign Discloser Officer (FDO).

DEPS can facilitate FDO Approval for our AFRL, JDETO, or Navy/RF authors assuming posted deadlines are met. All others must obtain approval from their servicing FDO, i.e., AFRL personnel must receive approval from AFRL FDO, Army personnel must receive approval from ARL FDO, and Navy personnel must receive approval from NRL FDO.

Submissions for U.S. Citizens

  • Unclassified Public Release: Email unclassified Distribution A submissions directly to DEPS at or via DoD SAFE to no later than 26 June 2024

  • AFRL, JDETO, and Navy/RF Classified or CUI submissions: These authors who wish to take advantage of DEPS-facilitated FDO approval should submit their papers & presentations according to the instructions below no later than 12 June 2024. Others should follow your internal processes for obtaining FDO approval from your servicing agency.

    * Note that submissions must have received prior approval of the sponsoring agency for the foreign release of the information. Danny Stewart & Ryan Hoffman will be reviewing strictly for security compliance against the existing AFRL / Navy agreements.

    AFRL / JDETO Authors:

  • Send CUI paper or presentation via DoD SAFE to
    Mr. Danny Stewart at

  • Email Classified submissions via SIPRnet to

  • Navy / RF Authors:

  • Send CUI paper or presentation via DoD SAFE to
    Mr. Ryan Hoffman at

  • Email Classified submissions via SIPRnet to
    [SIPR email TBD]
  • All authors of Classified or CUI materials needing transported by AFRL: Submit your Agency FDO Approved submission, along with the FDO approval letters, to Danny Stewart no later than 26 June 2024
     -  NIPRNET
     -  SIPRNET

Submissions for British Citizens
  • Official or O-S UK RF DEW Submissions: Email to

  • Official or O-S UK Laser DEW Submissions: Email to

  • Submissions above O or O-S, or if electronic submissions are not feasible : Contact your session chair for instructions on sending to the Defence Academy.
Regardless of classification, authors need to have made arrangements to have their papers cleared by Martin Hubbard or Kevin Burrett (or delegated alternatives) no later than Monday 1 July.

Security Markings

All papers and presentations must be assigned the appropriate authorized Release Statement (UK) or Distribution Statement (US) for publishing. Classified and limited release papers/presentations must be approved for release to both the UK and US Government Agencies and their contractors. All papers and presentations must be properly marked according to their classification and distribution. Included in the distributions statement, the agreement being used should be called out. For example, if using the HEL agreement, the distribution statement should include the "UK distribution authorized under MIE MOU: UK-RN-N-09-5969."

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Last updated: 21 May 2024